Magnificat. Beltrame Feragut. A cappella. Sacred , Evening Canticles. Language. Latin. ATT.
Magnificat. Beltrame Feragut. A cappella. Ιερή, Βραδινά Ασμάτων. Γλώσσα. Latin. ATT.
Alternatim setting of even verses, transcribed from the Trent codex 90. The time signatures, notes' values and accidentals are as in the manuscript. The middle voice has been derived from the upper one following the “faulx bourdon” technique. The notes' values within the "ligaturæ" are semibreves. The "musica ficta" suggestions are in the MIDI and MusicXML files.
Alternatim setting of even verses, transcribed from the Trent codex 90. Ο χρόνος υπογραφές, τις αξίες και accidentals σημειώσεις »είναι όπως στο χειρόγραφο. The middle voice has been derived from the upper one following the “faulx bourdon” technique. Τιμές τις σημειώσεις στο πλαίσιο της «ligaturæ" είναι semibreves. Οι "Musica ficta" προτάσεις είναι στα αρχεία MIDI και MusicXML.