noise The chicks kiss your ass for a backstage-pass No blow - no show Rich and famous - Twenty-five guitars A million dollar car Rich and famous - Golden
of noise The chicks kiss your ass for a backstage-pass No blow - no show Rich and famous - Twenty-five guitars A million dollar car Rich and famous -
lot of noise The chicks kiss your ass for a backstage-pass No blow - no show Rich and famous - Twenty-five guitars A million dollar car Rich and famous
Μετάφραση: Αποδοχή. Πλούσιος και διάσημος.
: Rollin' just like thunder, tryin' to get you down Mistreatin' everything, if you were king he'd take your crown If you were a dead man he'd take ya
Rollin' just like thunder, tryin' to get you down Mistreatin' everything, if you were king he'd take your crown If you were a dead man he'd take ya from
did it all with no cosigner I be bragging like I'm the best Like Professor X is my ghost rider Read your mind slumdog Chamillionaire But I couldn't accept
make a splash The likes of you get swept up in the morning with the trash If you were rich or middle class ... [Eva:] Screw the middle classes! I will never accept
swept up in the morning with the trash If you were rich or middle class ... (Eva:) My father's other family were middle class Screw the middle classes! I will never accept
I'm gonna be walkin down the streets Mindin my own business and BAM I'm gon' be shot by some pig who's gonna SWEAR That it was a mistake I accept that
of acceptance from coked-up quasi-urbane kids I'm really, really, really, Really proud of what you did Post-paint boy, with your art You're penny rich
is smashin' whippin' ass is a passion Suckers that keep clashin' break 'em like glass and You just shatterin' Fuck with Tim Dog, well, you know, you're not badder than I'm rich
to make a splash The likes of you get swept up in the morning with the trash If you were rich or middle class ... (Eva:) Screw the middle classes! I will never accept
did it all with no cosigner I be bragging like I'm the best Like Professor X is my ghost writer Read your mind slum dog Chamillionaire But I couldn't accept