doing Why don't you help us growing Why don't you teach us dying We wanna know how you are doing Wanna know how you survive Survive -- survive -- survive -- survive -- survive -- survive
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the rules? Who's tell us whitewash windows? When to take down doors? Tell us make a flask of tea and survive the holocaust? * The rock and roll swindler
around this time, Whites started callings us Negroes That's Spanish for black object meaning we're not really people but property, and the triangle trade begins - they seize us
and drugging, hoe-in; searching for their son And liquor stores upon every corner And younger people done accepted defeating The melting pot of lavas
? Learn them all the rules? Who's tell us whitewash windows? When to take down doors? Tell us make a flask of tea and survive the holocaust? * The rock
doing this And yet you watch me, clock me, to see if I continue this In the ways of the Caddy I survive like a pimp No jherri curls, waves, perms, or
!) Kill a cop (SO WHAT!?) That's tha attitude we got (Yea, they got us fucked up!) I can teach tha whole world when it comes to survival shit Im God's
worse we came to Earth cursed, enslaved But this perfect person yearns to purchase us main And free us, so we ain't gotta flirt with the flames He offers to clean us
accept servility as a bargain for dignity? Why should we passively accept death as a bargain for living? Why accept this robbery of life? Why accept this