The last survivor of a boiled crown Another casualty with the casual frown The janitor vandals they bark in your face Juveniles with the piles and paste
Μετάφραση: Νεύμα. Μείον.
Μετάφραση: Jeff Beck. Μείον.
: The last survivor of a boiled crown Another casualty with the casual frown The janitor vandals they bark in your face Juveniles with the piles and
Satan gave me a taco And it made me really sick The chicken was all raw And the grease was mighty thick The rice was all rancid And the beans were so
Walkin' back to the burnin' schoolhouse And I don't mind bein' afraid And the kids drinkin' in the park Tell me where the money goes Late at night and
Lately I've been finding Comfort in this truth I am just a child of need Who's found her hope in You Stay close to me Stay close to me Lately I've been
I was just about to tell You What I'm sure You already know How my throat is tight with crying Yet my soul is arctic blue 'Cause I've seen some tears
Treated you like a rusty blade A throwaway from an open grave Cut you loose from a chain gang And let you go And on the day you said it's true Some love
She fucked me up the ass [x4] (yeah, east 17 ain't got nothin on this shit) Aw, I feel like a piece of shit The rave--i went to the rave And she fucked
Non ho bisogno piu di niente Adesso che Mi illumini d?amore immenso fuori e dentro Credimi se puoi Credimi se vuoi Credimi e vedrai non finira mai
Non ho un'eta Mio padre e un Re Vivo in un grande castello lassu Ho un letto d'oro...due occhi blu Ma non so dirti che...nome ho Un giorno poi Dalla
Se tu fossi come... la mia batteria... potrei picchiarti quando voglio e non andresti via ti suonerei fino a sera poi ti lascerei riposare e con un
Per me, sei tu, la risposta alla guerra, sei... per me, sei tu, quello che, amore, sperano mai domani mai in eternita... Io so solo che Che oggi tocchi
Le mie donne sono poche ma carine tutte in fila anche tu mi potresti fa sballare anche tu mentre lei vuole sempre far da sola solo lei Le mie donne accarezzano