YOU GO WHATEVER YOU SAY I'LL REMEMBER FORTUNE IS KIND KEEP IT FOREVER DEEP INSIDE If I would not be with you today I would not believe I wish the time
Μετάφραση: Die Happy. Θυμάμαι.
I got it goin' on I wanna make sure you remember me So I'm gon' leave my number on your video phone I got no time for frontin' I know just what I?m wantin
blossoms crushed on concrete I walk around with bare feet, 'cuz I know you want me Can't remember anything Her skin it tastes like sugar cane And I
t hear me though And I'm far from a lame, I'ma gigolo I get paid just to spit the flow And I can't even explain when I get at yo You know how long I've
that I remember signing my first deal and now I'm the second best I can deal with that Now Bruno can show his ass, without the MTV awards gag [Bruno Mars] You and I
Good Morning Cy-boys and Cyber Girls! I'm happy to announce that we have a star cross winner in today's heartbreak sweepstakes. Android No. 57821 otherwise
we'd be together. We were almost seperated by the weather But I ran through the snow Right up to your window and smiled cause I Was so absolutely happy
lie, I'm lost I wish this had a happy ending I wish there was something I could do But, my darling, I've forgotten what I saw in you I've forgotten
the studio so why I'ma name ya? I'm lookin' right at ya, an' y'all know I ain't even got to tell y'all Y'all are players, peace out to my Manager George I
you All I've got are these photographs I remember when I used to make you laugh I don't wanna be stuck in the past But you're all that I have that I
is what I tell God I made it, upgraded, man I found me a dream and I chased it I was wasting time in and out of cages Now I?m in that S6, feels like
I?m laid I feel like a runaway slave I said I feel like a runaway slave Sometimes I feel like a runaway slave Verse 2: I could die before I bring happiness
begins to moan Memory All alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days I was beautiful then I remember the time I knew what happiness was Let
her world of love Her laughter was as happiness is Of all the times I treasure this And on a day we will remember On a clear day we will love forever I