trust In fact, has anybody seen me? Look back, your life is but a daydream Satellites' receiving Are all my loved ones grieving? And does it matter at all? If I was brave
know trust? In fact, has anybody seen me? Look back! Life is but a daydream Satellite's receiving Are all my loved ones grieving? And does it matter at all? If I was brave
Μετάφραση: Dry Cell. Γενναίος.
June] Squish. [Hunyak] Uh-Uh. [Velma] Cicero. [Mona] Lipschitz! [Announcer] And now, the six merry murderers from the Cooke county jail in their rendition of The Cell
fresh resolve the women carried on towards their goal And found themselves a cell where crimson shade were scattered A sight so dreadful it chilled their very souls The cell
their goal And found themselves a cell where crimson shade were scattered A sight so dreadful it chilled their very souls The cell had long been drained