Has perdido mi respeto, has perdido mi amistad, no prometas, no me hables, huye con mentiras a otro lugar. Tus sonrisas son mis lloros, tu esperanza
Mil visiones en un segundo llenan mi mente y me confundo. Caes al suelo, no te levantas, recibes los golpes pero no hablas. Mentiras y trampas desde
No lo puedo controlar, siempre que miro ahi esta. Algo que busco y no encuentro, crece el miedo dentro. Preguntas al cielo y al viento, respuestas calladas
Miles de ninos son maltratados y son condenados a duros trabajos. Ellos no tienen la posibilidad de un futuro claro y de bienestar. Esto tendria que
Campos de refugiados olvidados. ?Quien se acuerda de lo pasado? Enfermedades, frio y hambre es lo que sufren en sus carnes. Tus ganas de ayudar se van
tu excusa es la misma de siempre: eres joven y quieres disfrutar. Tus pensamientos son negativos, ?donde quieres ir a parar? No tienes ideales, no luchas
Resistance in a time of mass self-destruction Makes the few who walk the straight edge A growing force of change Committed through gripped by the plague
Gunshot, black man drops with fear in his eyes he lies and he cries, but they huntdown, break him down, society has made a new force, but it's not new
Like a fist flung to a bloody face We'll hit hard we'll win their race Won't give in won't be a lie Knock us down we'll never die [Chorus] Cause it
When you go down, don?t push me back I?ll stay here, talking to you about God. This life is a fight, everyday a new war, where most shoot to the air,
Μετάφραση: Οι δυνάμεις του κακού. Καταπολέμηση.
Μετάφραση: H-Blockx. Fight The Force.
Μετάφραση: Operación Triunfo 3. La Fuerza De La Vida (Ο λόγος για την Καταπολέμηση).
Like a fist flung to a bloody face We'll hit hard we'll win their race Won't give in won't be a lie Knock us down we'll never die [Chorus] Cause it'
Now I know, how it feels to be betrayed. You haven't changed and you'll always be the same. That sideways smile, those phony laughs. You sure fooled
Fight! Fight! Fight! How come nobody plays ska anymore? I guess they all forgot what we were fightin' for They're grown up now and they want to be respected
There was a time not long ago There'd be fights at every show But times have changed and so have we Into a positive society Don't get complacent because
Swallow what you're given You don't question why You all make me sick Get away from me Force Fed