Moses come riding up on a quasar His spurs was a-jingling, the door was ajar His buckle was silver, his manner was bold And I asked him to come in out
G's Kicked the shit to make the white man bleed God bless the dead, that's right God bless the dead God bless the dead God bless the dead Man, ain'
Dead or alive And I'm right (And I'm right) Dead or alive I still drive (I still drive) Dead or alive Dead or alive Dead or alive Mm dead or alive Dead
(Kendall, Russell, Holland, Black) Desperate and a loser A failure at his trade Nothin' more to live for Decision that he made He said that he's sorry
caress every ache I play dead, it stops the hurting I play dead, it stops the hurting I play dead, it stops the hurting I play dead, it stops the hurting
're immune to everything except the butterfly Yeah Baby It might sound dodgy now But it sounds great when you're dead It sounds great when you're dead
because i won't Back down i won't back down I suffocate did the way the one that's left About him about him If this dream is dead then i'm dead Dreaming
next plane To the waiting arms Of the same death squads they fled, yeah Built a great wall around the power Worldwide great wall around the power Economic great
bleed And my world is alive (She gets her trouble from me) (Chorus) She is a great pretender She wanted me to believe She is a great pretender So don
Moses come ridin' up on a quasar His spurs were jingling, the door was ajar His buckle was silver, his manner was bold And I asked him to come in out
To the waiting arms Of the same death squads they fled We've built a Great Wall around our power Economic Great Wall around our power Worldwide Great
on in that pretty little head? 'Cause if you're just drop dead gorgeous You should just drop dead If you're just drop dead gorgeous You should just drop dead
Μετάφραση: Dead Kennedys. Το Σινικό Τείχος.
Μετάφραση: Δύο-Def. Brother John (Μεγάλη Εγκυκλοπαίδεια των νεκρών Rock).
Μετάφραση: Grateful Dead. Greatest Story Ever Told.
Μετάφραση: Μεγάλες Προσδοκίες soundtrack. Band θείος του Ιωάννη [των Grateful Dead].
Μετάφραση: Η Μεγάλη ΚΑΤ. Ultra-νεκρός.
Μετάφραση: Μεγάλος Λευκός. Dead End (Γκάρντεν Γκρόουβ 1982).