fin Deepest, bluest, my hat is like a shark's fin Deepest, bluest, my hat is like a shark's fin Deepest, bluest, my hat is like a shark's fin Deepest, bluest
focused Me and my crew strike Like some underwater locusts Repeat 1 (8x) Uh, uh take it deeper Uh, uh take it deeper Uh, uh take it deeper Uh, uh take it deeper
Μετάφραση: Deep Blue Sea soundtrack. Deepest πιο μπλε [LL Cool J].
Μετάφραση: LL Cool J. Deepest πιο μπλε (πτερύγιο καρχαρία).
Μετάφραση: LL Cool J. Deepest πιο μπλε.
t focused Me and my crew strike Like some underwater locusts Repeat 1 (8x) Uh, uh take it deeper Uh, uh take it deeper Uh, uh take it deeper Uh, uh take it deeper
Μετάφραση: Deep Blue Sea soundtrack. Τι λένε [LL Cool J].