Cain, firstborn son of Adam You killed your brother Abel Now you bear the mark of God in your eyes Your eyes Pain is the sing of your symbol And you'
It's Christmas time and I'm lonely Here, y'know the living ain't easy If you forget the power to love I said, "Don't give up, don't give up" If only
forever more forbidden Shun them like the scorpion and shark And that you may know them On Cain I set this mark. The race of Cain must ever bear this mark
Cain, firstborn son of Adam You killed your brother Abel. Now bear a mark of God in your eyes Pain is (the) sing of your symbol And you'll be borne down
in me deep It has stripped me of my beauty With an overwhelming pain And on yesterday's proud forehead It has burned the mark of Cain It happened
. Cast into Hell: this soul rejected. The cross that I bear was the cross I burned. Trapped in a world of death and pain. Only the mark of my existence
Μετάφραση: Idol, Billy. Mark Of Caine.
Μετάφραση: Hawkwind. Το στίγμα του Κάιν.
Μετάφραση: Το στίγμα του Κάιν. Ακριβώς για μια γεύση του μελιού.
Μετάφραση: Therion. Το στίγμα του Κάιν.
: It's Christmas time And I'm lonely Here y'know the living Ain't easy If you forget The power to love I said "Don't give up" "Don't give up" If only
Buried in me deep It has stripped me of my beauty With an overwhelming pain And on yesterday's proud forehead It has burned the mark of Cain It
: Cain, firstborn son of Adam You killed your brother Abel. Now bear a mark of God in your eyes Pain is (the) sing of your symbol And you'll be borne
Cain, firstborn son of Adam You killed your brother Abel. Now bear a mark of God in your eyes Pain is (the) sing of your symbol And you'll be borne
committed. Cast into Hell: this soul rejected. The cross that I bear was the cross I burned. Trapped in a world of death and pain. Only the mark of my