For whom the gun tolls For whom the prey weeps Bow before a war Call it religion Some wounds never heal Some tears never will Dry for the unkind Cry
For whom the gun tolls For whom the prey weeps Bow before a war Call it religion Some wounds never heal Some tears never will Dry for the unkind
Μετάφραση: Nightwish. Η Kinslayer.
Μετάφραση: Nightwish. Kinslayer [live].
: For whom the gun tolls For whom the prey weeps Bow before a war Call it religion Some wounds never heal Some tears never will Dry for the unkind Cry
: For whom the gun tolls For whom the prey weeps Bow before a war Call it religion Some wounds never heal Some tears never will Dry for the unkind
For whom the gun tolls? For whom the prey weeps? Bow before a war Call it religion. Some wounds never heal, Some tears never will. Dry for the unkind