Tu amor, tu amor Tu es la unica en mi alma Yo te quiero te adoro Tus labios tus ojos mi amor Tu amor, tu amor, I will always be Tu amor, tu amor, means
Μετάφραση: Δεν Mercy. Tu Amor.
providing for me Great is Your mercy towards me Great is Your grace Great is Your mercy towards me Your love and kindness towards me Your tender mercy
The snow is snowing, the wind is blowing But I can weather the storm! What do I care how much it may storm? I've got my love to keep me warm I can't
Here I go again I'm hearing trumpets blow again All aglow again Taking a chance on love Here I sink again I'm getting in the pink again On the brink
Verse 1: When you fall asleep tonight In your warm and cozy room Know that I'm awake And I've got no shelter and no food Pre-Chorus 1: I am not alone
My heart is steadfast of God And I will sing With all my heart and soul Music for the King And I will awake the dawn With my praise to you O Lord
Mercy) You have led me to the sadness I have carried this pain on a back bruised, nearly broken I'm crying out to You I will sing of Your mercy that
Over the mountains and the sea Your river runs with the love for me and I will open up my heart and let the healer set me free. I'm happy to be in
Saca tus lagrimas si estas triste , pues esta vez mi voz llenara tu corazon de alegria con su melodia, escuchala una vez mas!, out of mercy Ya no hay
T me" I got this French chick that love to french kiss She thinks she's Bo Derek, wear her hair in a twist Ma cherie amore, tu es belle Merci, you fine
Yet one of us broke the rule Tu - Tu you can't love me estranjero I tell you sincero Yes you will hate me if you do Tu - Ay ay ay ay ay Tu - You're
esa es mi casa Soy como una pluma Que es llevada por el viento Libre como el aire, sin fronteras Soy como el universo Pirata sin modales dueno de tus mares tu amor
es mi casa Soy como una pluma Que es llevada por el viento Libre como el aire, sin fronteras Soy como el universo Pirata sin modales dueA±o de tus mares tu amor
one opener for the lock of these things Amor mio, te adora como a la mas Bella estrella fugaz en el cielo Y cuando me siento solo, se que tu me entiendes
Great is your mercy towards me Your loving kindness towards me Your tender mercies I see Day after day Forever faithful towards me Always providing
ora chiami " il tuo ex", indosso una maglietta un pantalone, amore corro a prenderti, oggi splendera un bel sole l'hanno detto anche in tv, tu preparati
de mim ! AH! se te soubesses como eu tao carinhoso, E o muito e muito que te quero !... E como e sincero omeu amor Eu sei que tu nao fugirias mais de