Again I start this but I'll add a new twist So the masses can't resist The message brought by a Panther strictly To relieve the disease of the sickly
Μετάφραση: Paris. Άθλιος.
[Paris] Again I start this, but I'll add a new twist so the masses can't resist The message brought by a Panther strictly to relieve the disease of the
heard what I said Tell her to change the sheets on the bed Mathilde's come back to me Fellas, don't leave me tonight Tonight I'm going back to fight Wretched
cosi che nacque la guerra di Troia ed e sempre cosi che son nate tutte le mie guerre io come Paride, tra potere e intelligenza preferisco Afrodite che
(testo e musica di Giuseppe Tranquillino Minerva) Sur les roofs de Paris J'ai ecoute la voice of my dreams, che come grosse banconote strette in un pugno
(Traccia Video)
Maybe I should have loved you. Maybe I should have sworn Not to be born Of this wretched glove too soon, But a dragon needs room! A dragon needs room!
(testo e musica di Giuseppe Tranquillino Minerva) Sur les roofs de Paris J'ai ecoute la voice of my dreams, che come grosse banconote strette in un