we've parted there's just one sound that I just can't stand [chorus] [verse, substituting "sound" with "thing"] Can't stand the rain (can't stand the rain
I just can't stand I can't stand the rain I can't stand the rain against my window Bringing back sweet memories I can't stand the rain against my window
Μετάφραση: Michael Bolton. Δεν μπορώ να σταθώ Η Βροχή Tina Turner.
Μετάφραση: Tina Turner. Δεν μπορώ να σταθώ Η Βροχή.
one sound That I just can't stand [Chorus] I can't stand the rain Against my window Bringing back sweet memories I can't stand the rain
sound That I just can't stand [Chorus] I can't stand the rain Against my window Bringing back sweet memories I can't stand the rain