to tell None shall find the keys To set their spirits free From the seven gates of Hell The seven gates The seven gates The seven gates... The seven gates of Hell
Μετάφραση: Δηλητήριο. Οι επτά πύλες της κόλασης.
Μετάφραση: Δηλητήριο. Επτά Πύλες της Κολάσεως.
Daddy Rose] Holy scriptures, the state's prosecutors study Leonardo's pictures All fraud from the renaissance age Unfold the page, Golden Gates turn to
the joyous celebrations of Hell begin Who holds the keys to the seven gates? Lucifer's demonic laughter Assist our quest, Belial prays free from Hell
[Canibus] Aiyyo I stand outside the gates of Buckingham Palace Selling reefer, puffin the chalice with the Beefeaters Gettin so high that whenever I drop
None shall find the keys To set their spirits free From the seven gates of Hell The seven gates The seven gates The seven gates... The seven gates of Hell
shall find the keys To set their spirits free From the seven gates of Hell The seven gates The seven gates The seven gates... The seven gates of Hell
saw) [Daddy Rose] Holy scriptures, the state's prosecutors study Leonardo's pictures All fraud from the renaissance age Unfold the page, Golden Gates
harder and twenty shades darker than Jon B. This round I'm a killer menace, better get down with the militantest, Criminalest, villainest, killas feelin' this guerilla venom hella